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TAN Newsletter: First Edition July 2020

Welcome to the first edition of the TAN newsletter and thank you for your continued support during this very difficult time. We sincerely hope that you, your loved ones and organisations are well and are not being impacted too severely by the pandemic.

It was with regret that the TAN Board made the decision earlier this year to suspend all events and activities until matters improve and normality returns. Although our networking events were put on hold, behind the scenes TAN has been busy bringing a number of initiatives to fruition and we have taken this opportunity to provide you with this update.

The first of these initiatives is this newsletter that will be produced on a monthly basis to provide an insight into TAN happenings and Thailand-Australia bilateral activities. We hope you find the articles interesting and informative. Also, please feel free to submit suggestions and ideas for inclusion in future editions.

To facilitate communication and engagement with our supporters, we have launched a new website; and LinkedIn site. Both are live now and we encourage you to take a moment to visit both.

Also, we have initiated an intern program and it is with great pleasure that we welcome university students Marlon Thain and Rhys Ryan as the inaugural members. Marlon and Rhys are studying communication and journalism and have been instrumental in the newsletter, website and LinkedIn initiatives.

Even though TAN activities have been temporarily suspended, our objective is to resume events as quickly as possible when Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. A Calendar of Events will be produced and included in this newsletter and also on the website and LinkedIn. In closing, the TAN Board wishes you all the very best and we look forward to reconnecting in person in the very near future.

TAN Board

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